Domains Australia

Domain Auction Marketplace
& Drop Catching Service
| Domain Auctions & Domain Drop Catching Starting At $49

Check back each day at 2:30pm AEST for the next list of expired domains coming up.

Domain Name Auction Pricing

All day, every day, simple & fair domain name pricing.

Min Bid

any .au domain name
$ 49 00


any .au domain name
$ 10 00


About Our Domain Auction

Domains are available for Auction, are up for grabs within the next 24 hours. To ensure you can secure the domain instead of someone else, you need to bit on it. The highest bid at the domain release date (1:30pm) will claim the domain.

If you are unsuccessful at bidding, your payment will be refund.

What is drop catching?

About Domain Drop Catching

Domain drop catching, also known as domain drop registration or domain sniping, refers to the practice of registering expired or soon-to-expire domain names immediately after they become available for registration.

When a domain name expires, it goes through a series of stages before becoming available for registration by the general public.

Drop catching involves utilising automated tools or services to monitor the domain expiration process and attempt to register desirable domain names as soon as they become available.

Domain drop catching can be a competitive and time-sensitive process since multiple individuals or entities may be interested in registering the same expired domain name. It is often used as a strategy for acquiring valuable domain names with established traffic, brand recognition, or SEO value.

Domain Monitoring

We constantly track and monitor Australian domain names that are nearing their expiration dates or have already expired.

Domain Auction Bidding

Place a bid on your desired domain name that you will like to register. This indicates your interest in registering the domain when it becomes available.

Domain Registration

The domain name enters the "drop" phase, where it is no longer held by the previous owner. Our automated systems attempt to register the domain name on your behalf if you are the highest bidder.

Transfer of Ownership

If Domains Australia, the drop catching service is successful in registering the domain name on your behalf, you gain ownership of the expired domain. If not, your bid is refunded.


5 Reasons To Buy Expired Domains

Why should you use a drop catching service and buy expired domains?

Established Traffic

Expired domain names often retain residual traffic from their previous owners. By purchasing an expired domain with existing traffic, you can instantly tap into a ready-made audience and potential customers.

SEO Benefits

Expired domains may have a pre-existing SEO foundation, including backlinks, domain authority, and search engine rankings. Acquiring such domains can give your business a head start in terms of search engine visibility and organic rankings.

Branding Opportunities

Expired domains offer branding opportunities, especially if they align with your business niche or target market. Acquiring a domain that reflects your brand or contains relevant keywords can enhance your brand recognition and make it easier for customers to find you online.

Online Reputation Management

Buying expired domains related to your brand or company name can help protect your online reputation. It prevents competitors or malicious individuals from acquiring those domains and potentially damaging your brand image or misdirecting your customers.

Investment Potential

Expired domains can serve as valuable digital assets with potential resale value. If you manage to acquire a domain that gains further popularity or becomes sought after in the future, you can sell it at a higher price, making it a potentially lucrative investment.

Why Drop Catching?

How do drop catching services help your business?

Drop catching services play a crucial role in helping your business by providing valuable assistance in acquiring desirable domain names.

These services specialise in swiftly registering expired domains that hold significant value, whether it’s due to established traffic, relevant keywords, or strong branding potential.

By leveraging drop catching services, you increase your chances of securing these valuable domains, which can have a profound impact on your business’s online presence.

Additionally, these services aid in brand protection by monitoring and capturing expired domains that are similar to your business name or trademark, ensuring others cannot register them and potentially cause brand confusion or reputation issues.

Moreover, drop catching services such as those provided by Domains Australia Marketplace can offer immediate SEO and traffic benefits by capturing expired domains with existing traffic and search engine optimization (SEO) value, resulting in a substantial boost to your website’s visibility and organic search performance.

Australian domains, made with Aussie pride.


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